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2024 Sciencepreneurship
Summer School:
Sustainability & AI

April 29 - May 3, 2024 ― Lausanne, Switzerland
applications closed

A week-long summer school of talks, workshops, and socials on turning scientific innovation into societal impact through entrepreneurship.

relive the 2023 edition 


accomodation included | travel grants available | course credit (1 ECTS)



The aim of this summer school is to address the following questions by sharing knowledge, experiences, and pitfalls about how to transform scientific advances into societal impact through entrepreneurship:

  • How can science be directly valuable for society and scale from lab to market?
  • How to get and choose the right team, funding, advisors, and legal setup?
  • What are common pitfalls in this process, and how to avoid them?


The program of this summer school is tailored to provide the participants with a framework to develop the societal impact of scientific advances.

  • First, participants present a scientific innovation and form co-founding teams. 👩‍đŸ”Ŧ🧑‍đŸ”Ŧ
  • Then, putting the school its lectures, workshops, and socials into practice, teams shape their science-based business. 🚀
  • Finally, participants pitch their work to a jury, receive feedback, and compete for a prize. 🏆



New Project (12) (1)
2023 participant institutes include:
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Entrepreneurial graduate students from any institute

The Sciencepreneurship Summer School focuses on enhancing the exchange between entrepreneurially interested graduate students - mainly PhD students - from EPFL, ETH Zurich, and other leading institutes from around the world. Participation is highly competitive and the total number of participants is limited with admissions on a rolling basis.

The organizing committee is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive summer school. We encourage all students with an interest to apply. If you have any questions regarding eligibility, feel free to reach out.

"a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial PhD students"

107464 Cropped
Dr. Ursula Oesterle

Vice-President of Innovation, EPFL


Important Dates, 2024

Feb 29 Applications open
Mar 22 Applications close
Mar 29 Application notification
Apr 29 Summer School start
May 3 Summer School end


Costs, Travel, Hotel

The total costs are CHF 250 (incl. VAT) and (at least) include: 

  • program: the full summer school program (1 ECTS).
  • accommodation: single rooms in a hotel close to EPFL. The hotel provides tickets for public transport during the stay. Note that this is only for students who do not live in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • travel: we can help with travel grants of up to CHF 150. Please let us know if you would need any in your application.

The fee is to be paid within 7 days after confirmation of acceptance.


Course credits

The successful completion of the summer school will award 1 ECTS, subject to different policies depending on the student their affiliation:

  • EPFL: the course code is MGT-650 []
  • ETH Zurich or international institutes: we encourage to contact your thesis supervisor for the final decision on the course credit to be awarded.

To obtain the credit, a pass/fail presentation is scheduled on the last day.



contact & organizers

for any inquiries, please contact us on